
exec - 2023-12-19 16:50:46 - MAQAO 2.18.1

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Global Metrics

Total Time (s)54.31
Profiled Time (s)54.04
Time in analyzed loops (%)99.9
Time in analyzed innermost loops (%)99.9
Time in user code (%)99.9
Compilation Options Score (%)0
Array Access Efficiency (%)Not Available
Potential Speedups
Perfect Flow Complexity1.00
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread1.00
Perfect OpenMP + MPI + Pthread + Perfect Load Distribution1.00
No Scalar IntegerPotential Speedup1.00
Nb Loops to get 80%4
FP VectorisedPotential Speedup1.00
Nb Loops to get 80%1
Fully VectorisedPotential Speedup1.07
Nb Loops to get 80%12
FP Arithmetic OnlyPotential Speedup2.35
Nb Loops to get 80%22

CQA Potential Speedups Summary

Loop Based Profile

Innermost Loop Based Profile

Application Categorization

Compilation Options

Source ObjectIssue
calc_dt.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
advec_cell.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
accelerate.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
initialise_chunk.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
reset_field.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
revert.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
viscosity.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
generate_chunk.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
PdV.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
update_halo.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
build_field.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
ideal_gas.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
field_summary.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
advec_mom.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)
flux_calc.cpp-g is missing for some functions (possibly ones added by the compiler), it is needed to have more accurate reports. Other recommended flags are: -O2/-O3, -march=(target)

Loop Path Count Profile

Cumulated Speedup If No Scalar Integer

Cumulated Speedup If FP Vectorized

Cumulated Speedup If Fully Vectorized

Cumulated Speedup If FP Arithmetic Only

Experiment Summary

Timestamp2023-12-19 16:50:46 Universal Timestamp1703004646
Number of processes observed1 Number of threads observed1
Experiment TypeMPI; OpenMP;
Architectureaarch64 Micro ArchitectureARM_NEOVERSE_V1
OS VersionLinux 5.15.0-1051-aws #56~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 28 15:43:06 UTC 2023
Architecture used during static analysisaarch64 Micro Architecture used during static analysisARM_NEOVERSE_V1
Frequency DriverNA Frequency GovernorNA
Huge Pagesmadvise Hyperthreadingoff
Number of sockets1 Number of cores per socket64
Compilation Optionsexec: Arm C/C++/Fortran Compiler version 23.04 (build number 21) (based on LLVM 16.0.0)

Configuration Summary

Run Command<executable>
MPI Commandmpirun --bind-to socket -np 1
Number Processes1
Number Nodes1
FilterNot Used
Profile StartNot Used