
gmx_mpi - 2023-07-28 16:26:41 - MAQAO 2.17.8

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[ 0 / 9 ] Compilation options are not available

Compilation options are an important optimization leverage but ONE-View is not able to analyze them.

[ 4 / 4 ] Application profile is long enough (357.55 s)

To have good quality measurements, it is advised that the application profiling time is greater than 10 seconds.

[ 2 / 2 ] Application is correctly profiled ("Others" category represents 0.17 % of the execution time)

To have a representative profiling, it is advised that the category "Others" represents less than 20% of the execution time in order to analyze as much as possible of the user code


Loop IDModuleAnalysisPenalty ScoreCoverage (%)Vectorization
Ratio (%)
Vector Length
Use (%)
764libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.51841.6497.898.73
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 128 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.512
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
759libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.51816.2797.1698.8
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 128 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.512
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
771libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.9026.6793.3397.91
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 224 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.896
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
769libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.9022.793.898.03
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 224 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.896
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
18634libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - No issue detected02.2025
765libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.5212.1492.4691.23
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 128 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.512
[SA] Several paths (3 paths) - Simplify control structure or force the compiler to use masked instructions. There are 3 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each.3
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
763libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.5211.9391.3490.52
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 128 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.512
[SA] Several paths (3 paths) - Simplify control structure or force the compiler to use masked instructions. There are 3 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each.3
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
760libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.10021.6764.7168.63
[SA] Too many paths (at least 1000 paths) - Simplify control structure. There are at least 1000 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point.1000
[SA] Non innermost loop (Outermost) - Collapse loop with innermost ones. This issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! Some static analysis are missing because the loop has too many paths. Use a higher value for --maximal_path_number option.0
18294libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.61.6593.6247.87
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
18542libgromacs_mpi.so.7Partial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.10061.2390.752.38
[SA] Too many paths (at least 1000 paths) - Simplify control structure. There are at least 1000 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point.1000
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
Warning! Some static analysis are missing because the loop has too many paths. Use a higher value for --maximal_path_number option.0