
Executable Output

* Info: Detected 8 Lprof instances in gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com. 
If this is incorrect, rerun with number-processes-per-node=X

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169747)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169749)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169752)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169748)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169753)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169751)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169754)
* Info: Process launched (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169750)Running with these driver parameters:
  solver ID    = 1

    (Nx, Ny, Nz) = (400, 3200, 400)
    (Px, Py, Pz) = (1, 8, 1)

Generate Matrix:
Spatial Operator:
  wall clock time = 3.520314 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 81.952286 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

  RHS vector has unit components
  Initial guess is 0
IJ Vector Setup:
RHS and Initial Guess:
  wall clock time = 0.378775 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 6.001222 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

Problem 1: AMG Setup Time:
PCG Setup:
  wall clock time = 16.862885 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 290.174311 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

FOM_Setup: nnz_AP / Setup Phase Time: 8.927891e+08

Problem 1: AMG-PCG Solve Time:
PCG Solve:
  wall clock time = 57.641898 seconds
  wall MFLOPS     = 0.000000
  cpu clock time  = 1366.897556 seconds
  cpu MFLOPS      = 0.000000

Iterations = 23
Final Relative Residual Norm = 9.722267e-09

FOM_Solve: nnz_AP * Iterations / Solve Phase Time: 6.007176e+09

Figure of Merit (FOM_1): 4.728579e+09

* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169754)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169750)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169749)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169751)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169748)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169747)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169752)
* Info: Process finished (host gpu04sas.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 169753)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                                COMMAND                                                                                #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/172-019-1763/intel/AMG/run/oneview_runs/compilers/aocc_13/oneview_results_1720203208/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
