
Executable Output

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2502812)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2502815)Thu Apr 18 02:55:27 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (1 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 02:55:27

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303588, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 02:55:32 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 02:55:32 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303588    -1.243619295188     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650499    -1.233157709948     0.067098059449     519.0938     1.9950      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438417    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     2.4643      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     2.5731      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093135    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     2.5973      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     2.6038      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     2.6027      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     2.5989      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     2.5931      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491598     0.037772484818     292.2210     2.5879      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793505    -1.206862845061     0.040813051556     315.7439     2.5820      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:03:56 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303588
  Final energy    : -1.166049793505
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1     508.8474      508.8474      100.97
loop                       1     503.9610      503.9610      100.00
timestep                  10      50.3960      503.9597      100.00
  position               100       0.0174        1.7406        0.35
  velocity               200       0.0167        3.3386        0.66
  redistribute           101       0.1319       13.3245        2.64
    atomHalo             101       0.0285        2.8744        0.57
  force                  101       4.8419      489.0307       97.04
commHalo                 303       0.0028        0.8626        0.17
commReduce                39       0.0023        0.0896        0.02

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:  508.8474       1:  508.8639    508.8556      0.0082
loop                 1:  503.9609       0:  503.9610    503.9610      0.0000
timestep             0:  503.9597       1:  503.9599    503.9598      0.0001
  position           0:    1.7406       1:    1.7436      1.7421      0.0015
  velocity           1:    3.3279       0:    3.3386      3.3333      0.0054
  redistribute       0:   13.3245       1:   13.6263     13.4754      0.1509
    atomHalo         0:    2.8744       1:    3.2908      3.0826      0.2082
  force              1:  488.7020       0:  489.0307    488.8664      0.1643
commHalo             0:    0.8626       1:    1.2811      1.0718      0.2093
commReduce           1:    0.0533       0:    0.0896      0.0715      0.0182

 Average atom update rate:       2.52 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   1.26 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              0.79 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:03:56 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2502812)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2502815)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2502951)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2502953)Thu Apr 18 03:04:08 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (2 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:04:08

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063304092, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:04:11 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:04:11 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063304092    -1.243619295692     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     1.0325      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     1.2658      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     1.3203      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     1.3341      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     1.3363      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     1.3348      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     1.3332      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     1.3301      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     1.3283      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     1.3243      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:08:30 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063304092
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1     261.5800      261.5800      101.08
loop                       1     258.7926      258.7926      100.00
timestep                  10      25.8791      258.7913      100.00
  position               100       0.0102        1.0217        0.39
  velocity               200       0.0098        1.9543        0.76
  redistribute           101       0.1077       10.8811        4.20
    atomHalo             101       0.0349        3.5245        1.36
  force                  101       2.4425      246.6896       95.32
commHalo                 303       0.0040        1.2213        0.47
commReduce                39       0.0025        0.0986        0.04

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:  261.5800       1:  261.5811    261.5806      0.0006
loop                 0:  258.7926       1:  258.7926    258.7926      0.0000
timestep             0:  258.7913       1:  258.7916    258.7914      0.0001
  position           1:    1.0181       0:    1.0217      1.0199      0.0018
  velocity           1:    1.9476       0:    1.9543      1.9509      0.0033
  redistribute       0:   10.8811       1:   10.9569     10.9190      0.0379
    atomHalo         1:    3.4794       0:    3.5245      3.5019      0.0226
  force              1:  246.6322       0:  246.6896    246.6609      0.0287
commHalo             1:    1.0152       0:    1.2213      1.1183      0.1030
commReduce           1:    0.0237       0:    0.0986      0.0612      0.0375

 Average atom update rate:       1.29 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.65 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              1.55 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:08:30 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2502951)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2502953)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503066)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503068)Thu Apr 18 03:08:43 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (4 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:08:43

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303067, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:08:44 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:08:44 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303067    -1.243619294667     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650499    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.5420      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.6589      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.6851      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.6900      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710257     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.6930      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.6933      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990845     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.6923      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.6902      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.6876      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.6879      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:10:59 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303067
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1     136.1376      136.1376      101.29
loop                       1     134.4060      134.4060      100.00
timestep                  10      13.4405      134.4046      100.00
  position               100       0.0063        0.6258        0.47
  velocity               200       0.0060        1.1949        0.89
  redistribute           101       0.0945        9.5482        7.10
    atomHalo             101       0.0375        3.7873        2.82
  force                  101       1.2272      123.9424       92.21
commHalo                 303       0.0038        1.1484        0.85
commReduce                39       0.0008        0.0314        0.02

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:  136.1376       1:  136.1387    136.1381      0.0005
loop                 0:  134.4060       1:  134.4060    134.4060      0.0000
timestep             0:  134.4046       1:  134.4049    134.4048      0.0001
  position           0:    0.6258       1:    0.6266      0.6262      0.0004
  velocity           0:    1.1949       1:    1.1955      1.1952      0.0003
  redistribute       0:    9.5482       1:    9.6497      9.5990      0.0507
    atomHalo         0:    3.7873       1:    3.9087      3.8480      0.0607
  force              1:  123.8202       0:  123.9424    123.8813      0.0611
commHalo             0:    1.1484       1:    1.2473      1.1978      0.0494
commReduce           0:    0.0314       1:    0.0477      0.0396      0.0082

 Average atom update rate:       0.67 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.34 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              2.98 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:10:59 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503066)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503068)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503198)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503200)Thu Apr 18 03:11:12 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (8 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:11:12

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303663, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:11:13 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:11:13 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303663    -1.243619295263     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.2979      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.3578      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.3623      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.3653      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.3661      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.3660      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990845     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.3656      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.3647      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.3640      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.3630      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:12:25 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303663
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      72.6737       72.6737      101.70
loop                       1      71.4557       71.4557      100.00
timestep                  10       7.1455       71.4546      100.00
  position               100       0.0049        0.4867        0.68
  velocity               200       0.0047        0.9440        1.32
  redistribute           101       0.0749        7.5677       10.59
    atomHalo             101       0.0303        3.0653        4.29
  force                  101       0.6232       62.9467       88.09
commHalo                 303       0.0031        0.9535        1.33
commReduce                39       0.0005        0.0185        0.03

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   72.6737       1:   72.6743     72.6740      0.0003
loop                 1:   71.4557       0:   71.4557     71.4557      0.0000
timestep             0:   71.4546       1:   71.4548     71.4547      0.0001
  position           1:    0.4843       0:    0.4867      0.4855      0.0012
  velocity           1:    0.9356       0:    0.9440      0.9398      0.0042
  redistribute       0:    7.5677       1:    7.6683      7.6180      0.0503
    atomHalo         0:    3.0653       1:    3.1169      3.0911      0.0258
  force              1:   62.8672       0:   62.9467     62.9070      0.0397
commHalo             1:    0.9280       0:    0.9535      0.9407      0.0128
commReduce           1:    0.0153       0:    0.0185      0.0169      0.0016

 Average atom update rate:       0.36 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.18 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              5.60 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:12:25 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503200)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503198)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503348)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503350)Thu Apr 18 03:12:37 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (16 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:12:37

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303487, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:12:38 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:12:38 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303487    -1.243619295087     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.1775      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.2078      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.2073      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.2063      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710257     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.2066      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.2065      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.2063      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.2058      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.2056      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.2053      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:13:18 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303487
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      41.6661       41.6661      102.37
loop                       1      40.7019       40.7019      100.00
timestep                  10       4.0701       40.7008      100.00
  position               100       0.0049        0.4857        1.19
  velocity               200       0.0046        0.9188        2.26
  redistribute           101       0.0728        7.3500       18.06
    atomHalo             101       0.0308        3.1153        7.65
  force                  101       0.3191       32.2266       79.18
commHalo                 303       0.0030        0.9111        2.24
commReduce                39       0.0019        0.0725        0.18

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   41.6661       1:   41.6661     41.6661      0.0000
loop                 0:   40.7019       0:   40.7019     40.7019      0.0000
timestep             0:   40.7008       1:   40.7010     40.7009      0.0001
  position           1:    0.4850       0:    0.4857      0.4854      0.0003
  velocity           1:    0.9148       0:    0.9188      0.9168      0.0020
  redistribute       0:    7.3500       1:    7.4187      7.3844      0.0344
    atomHalo         0:    3.1153       1:    3.1725      3.1439      0.0286
  force              1:   32.1645       0:   32.2266     32.1955      0.0310
commHalo             0:    0.9111       1:    0.9654      0.9383      0.0272
commReduce           1:    0.0074       0:    0.0725      0.0399      0.0325

 Average atom update rate:       0.20 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.10 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              9.83 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:13:18 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503350)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503348)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503565)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503567)Thu Apr 18 03:13:30 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (32 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:13:30

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303522, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:13:31 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:13:31 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303522    -1.243619295122     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.1253      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.1421      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.1426      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.1428      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.1431      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.1435      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.1435      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.1432      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.1430      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.1427      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:13:59 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303522
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      29.1259       29.1259      103.14
loop                       1      28.2404       28.2404      100.00
timestep                  10       2.8239       28.2392      100.00
  position               100       0.0053        0.5348        1.89
  velocity               200       0.0047        0.9475        3.36
  redistribute           101       0.0879        8.8819       31.45
    atomHalo             101       0.0391        3.9496       13.99
  force                  101       0.1789       18.0645       63.97
commHalo                 303       0.0031        0.9281        3.29
commReduce                39       0.0001        0.0040        0.01

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   29.1259       1:   29.1268     29.1264      0.0004
loop                 1:   28.2404       0:   28.2404     28.2404      0.0000
timestep             0:   28.2392       1:   28.2394     28.2393      0.0001
  position           1:    0.5336       0:    0.5348      0.5342      0.0006
  velocity           1:    0.9274       0:    0.9475      0.9375      0.0101
  redistribute       0:    8.8819       1:    8.9265      8.9042      0.0223
    atomHalo         0:    3.9496       1:    4.0149      3.9822      0.0327
  force              1:   18.0366       0:   18.0645     18.0505      0.0139
commHalo             0:    0.9281       1:    1.0166      0.9724      0.0443
commReduce           0:    0.0040       1:    0.0614      0.0327      0.0287

 Average atom update rate:       0.14 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.07 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             14.16 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:13:59 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503567)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503565)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o405

* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503907)
* Info: Process launched (host o405, process 2503909)Thu Apr 18 03:14:13 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: o405
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/opt/intel/oneapi/mpi/2021.8.0/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -fsave-optimization-record -DDO_MPI -O2 -march=sapphirerapids -mprefer-vector-width=512 -flto -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (56 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-04-18, 03:14:13

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303464, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Apr 18 03:14:14 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Apr 18 03:14:14 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303464    -1.243619295064     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.1020      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.1096      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.1088      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.1087      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.1092      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.1086      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.1094      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.1085      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.1095      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.1097      4000000
Thu Apr 18 03:14:36 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303464
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      22.5357       22.5357      103.95
loop                       1      21.6790       21.6790      100.00
timestep                  10       2.1678       21.6776       99.99
  position               100       0.0056        0.5634        2.60
  velocity               200       0.0048        0.9696        4.47
  redistribute           101       0.0857        8.6545       39.92
    atomHalo             101       0.0447        4.5133       20.82
  force                  101       0.1140       11.5134       53.11
commHalo                 303       0.0083        2.5097       11.58
commReduce                39       0.0035        0.1381        0.64

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   22.5357       1:   22.5364     22.5360      0.0004
loop                 0:   21.6790       1:   21.6790     21.6790      0.0000
timestep             0:   21.6776       1:   21.6780     21.6778      0.0002
  position           1:    0.5609       0:    0.5634      0.5621      0.0013
  velocity           1:    0.9694       0:    0.9696      0.9695      0.0001
  redistribute       0:    8.6545       1:    8.7705      8.7125      0.0580
    atomHalo         1:    3.8685       0:    4.5133      4.1909      0.3224
  force              0:   11.5134       1:   11.5203     11.5168      0.0035
commHalo             1:    0.8602       0:    2.5097      1.6849      0.8248
commReduce           1:    0.0011       0:    0.1381      0.0696      0.0685

 Average atom update rate:       0.11 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.05 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             18.45 atoms/us

Thu Apr 18 03:14:36 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503907)
* Info: Process finished (host o405, process 2503909)

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                               COMMAND                                                                               #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-172-4338/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_14/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
