
exec - 2024-02-21 10:53:54 - MAQAO 2.19.1

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[ 4 / 4 ] Application profile is long enough (10.64 s)

To have good quality measurements, it is advised that the application profiling time is greater than 10 seconds.

[ 2.98 / 3 ] Optimization level option is correctly used

[ 2.98 / 3 ] Most of time spent in analyzed modules comes from functions compiled with -g and -fno-omit-frame-pointer

-g option gives access to debugging informations, such are source locations. -fno-omit-frame-pointer improve the accuracy of callchains found during the application profiling.

[ 2.98 / 3 ] Architecture specific option -axCORE is used

[ 2 / 2 ] Application is correctly profiled ("Others" category represents 0.21 % of the execution time)

To have a representative profiling, it is advised that the category "Others" represents less than 20% of the execution time in order to analyze as much as possible of the user code


Loop IDModuleAnalysisPenalty ScoreCoverage (%)Vectorization
Ratio (%)
Vector Length
Use (%)
145execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.929.7944.0718.01
[SA] Presence of indirect accesses - Use array restructuring or gather instructions to lower the cost. There are 1 issues ( = indirect data accesses) costing 4 point each.4
[SA] Several paths (3 paths) - Simplify control structure or force the compiler to use masked instructions. There are 3 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each.3
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2
84execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.61.0733.3314.58
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 3 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.6
147execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.20.945015.63
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2
152execPartial or unexisting vectorization - No issue detected00.68012.5
85execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.60.533.3314.58
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 3 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.6
154execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.40.387.6913.46
[SA] Presence of indirect accesses - Use array restructuring or gather instructions to lower the cost. There are 1 issues ( = indirect data accesses) costing 4 point each.4
131execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.310.3446.8117.15
[SA] Too many paths (24 paths) - Simplify control structure. There are 24 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each with a malus of 4 points.28
[SA] Presence of calls - Inline either by compiler or by hand and use SVML for libm calls. There are 3 issues (= calls) costing 1 point each.3
Warning! Some static analysis are missing because the loop has too many paths. Use a higher value for --maximal_path_number option.0
144execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.90.3012.5
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 2 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.4
[SA] Several paths (3 paths) - Simplify control structure or force the compiler to use masked instructions. There are 3 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each.3
[SA] Non innermost loop (InBetween) - Collapse loop with innermost ones. This issue costs 2 points.2
143execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.110.1011.25
[SA] Too many paths (5 paths) - Simplify control structure. There are 5 issues ( = paths) costing 1 point each with a malus of 4 points.9
[SA] Non innermost loop (InBetween) - Collapse loop with innermost ones. This issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! Some static analysis are missing because the loop has too many paths. Use a higher value for --maximal_path_number option.0
69execPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.60.0438.4615.87
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 3 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.6