
Executable Output

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154345)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154349)Thu Feb 22 15:09:27 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (1 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:09:27

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303588, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:09:30 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:09:30 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303588    -1.243619295188     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650499    -1.233157709948     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.9940      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438417    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     1.3385      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     1.4567      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093135    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     1.4930      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     1.5032      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     1.5019      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     1.4965      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     1.4891      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491598     0.037772484818     292.2210     1.4813      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793505    -1.206862845061     0.040813051556     315.7439     1.4728      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:14:14 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303588
  Final energy    : -1.166049793505
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1     286.7466      286.7466      100.78
loop                       1     284.5411      284.5411      100.00
timestep                  10      28.4541      284.5405      100.00
  position               100       0.0186        1.8581        0.65
  velocity               200       0.0170        3.3989        1.19
  redistribute           101       0.0915        9.2421        3.25
    atomHalo             101       0.0100        1.0101        0.35
  force                  101       2.6893      271.6169       95.46
commHalo                 303       0.0007        0.2035        0.07
commReduce                39       0.0005        0.0192        0.01

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:  286.7466       1:  286.7467    286.7467      0.0001
loop                 0:  284.5411       1:  284.5411    284.5411      0.0000
timestep             0:  284.5405       1:  284.5407    284.5406      0.0001
  position           1:    1.8572       0:    1.8581      1.8576      0.0004
  velocity           1:    3.3901       0:    3.3989      3.3945      0.0044
  redistribute       0:    9.2421       1:    9.2655      9.2538      0.0117
    atomHalo         0:    1.0101       1:    1.0597      1.0349      0.0248
  force              1:  271.5985       0:  271.6169    271.6077      0.0092
commHalo             0:    0.2035       1:    0.2474      0.2254      0.0219
commReduce           0:    0.0192       1:    0.0198      0.0195      0.0003

 Average atom update rate:       1.42 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.71 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              1.41 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:14:14 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154345)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154345) Observed more threads (2) than expected (1): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=2.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154349)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154349) Observed more threads (2) than expected (1): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=2.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154439)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154438)Thu Feb 22 15:15:14 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (2 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:15:14

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063304092, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:15:15 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:15:15 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063304092    -1.243619295692     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.5222      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.6924      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.7532      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.7727      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.7784      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.7789      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.7758      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.7672      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.7652      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.7619      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:17:42 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063304092
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1     148.6388      148.6388      100.87
loop                       1     147.3551      147.3551      100.00
timestep                  10      14.7354      147.3545      100.00
  position               100       0.0090        0.9039        0.61
  velocity               200       0.0082        1.6388        1.11
  redistribute           101       0.0949        9.5893        6.51
    atomHalo             101       0.0356        3.5981        2.44
  force                  101       1.3457      135.9139       92.24
commHalo                 303       0.0091        2.7699        1.88
commReduce                39       0.0054        0.2122        0.14

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:  148.6388       1:  148.6390    148.6389      0.0001
loop                 0:  147.3551       1:  147.3551    147.3551      0.0000
timestep             0:  147.3545       1:  147.3547    147.3546      0.0001
  position           0:    0.9039       1:    0.9354      0.9197      0.0157
  velocity           0:    1.6388       1:    1.7705      1.7046      0.0658
  redistribute       1:    9.1408       0:    9.5893      9.3650      0.2242
    atomHalo         1:    1.1322       0:    3.5981      2.3652      1.2329
  force              0:  135.9139       1:  136.3759    136.1449      0.2310
commHalo             1:    0.1395       0:    2.7699      1.4547      1.3152
commReduce           1:    0.0006       0:    0.2122      0.1064      0.1058

 Average atom update rate:       0.74 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.37 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              2.71 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:17:42 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154438)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154438) Observed more threads (3) than expected (2): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=3.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154439)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154439) Observed more threads (3) than expected (2): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=3.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154525)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154526)Thu Feb 22 15:17:54 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (4 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:17:54

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303067, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:17:54 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:17:54 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303067    -1.243619294667     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650499    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.2832      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.3607      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.3897      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.3990      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710257     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.4011      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.4013      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990845     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.4001      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.3983      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.4001      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.3978      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:19:11 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303067
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      77.3916       77.3916      100.99
loop                       1      76.6298       76.6298      100.00
timestep                  10       7.6629       76.6292      100.00
  position               100       0.0046        0.4611        0.60
  velocity               200       0.0040        0.7976        1.04
  redistribute           101       0.0745        7.5253        9.82
    atomHalo             101       0.0208        2.0988        2.74
  force                  101       0.6763       68.3091       89.14
commHalo                 303       0.0038        1.1384        1.49
commReduce                39       0.0005        0.0201        0.03

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   77.3916       1:   77.3920     77.3918      0.0002
loop                 0:   76.6298       1:   76.6298     76.6298      0.0000
timestep             0:   76.6292       1:   76.6294     76.6293      0.0001
  position           0:    0.4611       1:    0.4670      0.4640      0.0029
  velocity           0:    0.7976       1:    0.8155      0.8065      0.0090
  redistribute       1:    7.5239       0:    7.5253      7.5246      0.0007
    atomHalo         1:    1.1657       0:    2.0988      1.6323      0.4666
  force              1:   68.2965       0:   68.3091     68.3028      0.0063
commHalo             1:    0.1171       0:    1.1384      0.6278      0.5106
commReduce           1:    0.0070       0:    0.0201      0.0135      0.0065

 Average atom update rate:       0.38 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.19 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              5.22 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:19:11 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154525)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154525) Observed more threads (5) than expected (4): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=5.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154526)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154526) Observed more threads (5) than expected (4): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=5.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154618)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154622)Thu Feb 22 15:19:21 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (8 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:19:21

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303663, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:19:22 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:19:22 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303663    -1.243619295263     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.1672      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.2083      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.2201      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.2232      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.2243      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.2235      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990845     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.2205      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.2191      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.2180      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.2168      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:20:05 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303663
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      43.3447       43.3447      101.22
loop                       1      42.8219       42.8219      100.00
timestep                  10       4.2821       42.8213      100.00
  position               100       0.0023        0.2298        0.54
  velocity               200       0.0019        0.3814        0.89
  redistribute           101       0.0711        7.1813       16.77
    atomHalo             101       0.0240        2.4290        5.67
  force                  101       0.3495       35.2965       82.43
commHalo                 303       0.0047        1.4297        3.34
commReduce                39       0.0011        0.0431        0.10

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   43.3447       1:   43.3449     43.3448      0.0001
loop                 0:   42.8219       1:   42.8219     42.8219      0.0000
timestep             0:   42.8213       1:   42.8215     42.8214      0.0001
  position           0:    0.2298       1:    0.2602      0.2450      0.0152
  velocity           0:    0.3814       1:    0.4150      0.3982      0.0168
  redistribute       0:    7.1813       1:    7.2442      7.2127      0.0314
    atomHalo         1:    1.2681       0:    2.4290      1.8486      0.5805
  force              1:   35.1713       0:   35.2965     35.2339      0.0626
commHalo             1:    0.1200       0:    1.4297      0.7748      0.6548
commReduce           1:    0.0160       0:    0.0431      0.0295      0.0135

 Average atom update rate:       0.21 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.11 us/atom

 Average atom rate:              9.34 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:20:05 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154622)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154622) Observed more threads (9) than expected (8): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=9.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154618)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154618) Observed more threads (9) than expected (8): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=9.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154700)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154701)Thu Feb 22 15:21:10 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (16 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:21:10

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303487, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:21:11 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:21:11 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303487    -1.243619295087     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.1065      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.1278      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.1279      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.1306      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710257     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.1312      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.1284      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.1274      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.1270      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.1262      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.1255      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:21:36 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303487
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      25.5495       25.5495      101.51
loop                       1      25.1698       25.1698      100.00
timestep                  10       2.5169       25.1692      100.00
  position               100       0.0015        0.1459        0.58
  velocity               200       0.0012        0.2359        0.94
  redistribute           101       0.0657        6.6370       26.37
    atomHalo             101       0.0257        2.5911       10.29
  force                  101       0.1812       18.2986       72.70
commHalo                 303       0.0046        1.3955        5.54
commReduce                39       0.0007        0.0268        0.11

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                1:   25.5494       0:   25.5495     25.5495      0.0001
loop                 0:   25.1698       1:   25.1698     25.1698      0.0000
timestep             0:   25.1692       1:   25.1694     25.1693      0.0001
  position           0:    0.1459       1:    0.1496      0.1478      0.0018
  velocity           0:    0.2359       1:    0.2687      0.2523      0.0164
  redistribute       1:    6.6242       0:    6.6370      6.6306      0.0064
    atomHalo         1:    1.5182       0:    2.5911      2.0547      0.5364
  force              1:   18.2960       0:   18.2986     18.2973      0.0013
commHalo             1:    0.1201       0:    1.3955      0.7578      0.6377
commReduce           1:    0.0042       0:    0.0268      0.0155      0.0113

 Average atom update rate:       0.13 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.06 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             15.89 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:21:36 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154701)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154701) Observed more threads (17) than expected (16): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=17.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154700)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154700) Observed more threads (17) than expected (16): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=17.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_4  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154838)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154837)Thu Feb 22 15:21:47 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (32 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:21:47

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303522, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:21:47 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:21:47 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303522    -1.243619295122     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.0733      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.0792      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.0814      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.0816      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.0820      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.0818      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.0818      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.0812      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.0819      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.0809      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:22:03 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303522
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      16.4519       16.4519      102.16
loop                       1      16.1039       16.1039      100.00
timestep                  10       1.6103       16.1033      100.00
  position               100       0.0009        0.0856        0.53
  velocity               200       0.0008        0.1502        0.93
  redistribute           101       0.0560        5.6560       35.12
    atomHalo             101       0.0208        2.0972       13.02
  force                  101       0.1023       10.3352       64.18
commHalo                 303       0.0027        0.8226        5.11
commReduce                39       0.0001        0.0034        0.02

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   16.4519       1:   16.4520     16.4519      0.0000
loop                 0:   16.1039       1:   16.1039     16.1039      0.0000
timestep             0:   16.1033       1:   16.1036     16.1035      0.0001
  position           0:    0.0856       1:    0.0961      0.0908      0.0052
  velocity           1:    0.1500       0:    0.1502      0.1501      0.0001
  redistribute       0:    5.6560       1:    5.8196      5.7378      0.0818
    atomHalo         1:    1.4375       0:    2.0972      1.7674      0.3298
  force              1:   10.1454       0:   10.3352     10.2403      0.0949
commHalo             1:    0.1341       0:    0.8226      0.4783      0.3442
commReduce           0:    0.0034       1:    0.0283      0.0158      0.0125

 Average atom update rate:       0.08 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.04 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             24.84 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:22:03 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154837)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154837) Observed more threads (33) than expected (32): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=33.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154838)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 154838) Observed more threads (33) than expected (32): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=33.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_5  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155016)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155015)Thu Feb 22 15:22:14 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (64 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:22:14

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303459, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:22:14 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:22:14 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303459    -1.243619295059     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.0584      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.0589      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.0590      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.0595      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.0595      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.0591      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.0591      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.0569      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.0566      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.0566      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:22:26 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303459
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      12.0068       12.0068      102.84
loop                       1      11.6747       11.6747      100.00
timestep                  10       1.1673       11.6735       99.99
  position               100       0.0008        0.0779        0.67
  velocity               200       0.0006        0.1150        0.98
  redistribute           101       0.0585        5.9078       50.60
    atomHalo             101       0.0253        2.5562       21.90
  force                  101       0.0560        5.6591       48.47
commHalo                 303       0.0038        1.1412        9.77
commReduce                39       0.0006        0.0228        0.20

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   12.0068       1:   12.0070     12.0069      0.0001
loop                 0:   11.6747       1:   11.6748     11.6748      0.0000
timestep             0:   11.6735       1:   11.6737     11.6736      0.0001
  position           0:    0.0779       1:    0.0895      0.0837      0.0058
  velocity           0:    0.1150       1:    0.1167      0.1158      0.0009
  redistribute       0:    5.9078       1:    5.9211      5.9145      0.0066
    atomHalo         1:    1.6403       0:    2.5562      2.0982      0.4580
  force              1:    5.6404       0:    5.6591      5.6497      0.0094
commHalo             1:    0.1224       0:    1.1412      0.6318      0.5094
commReduce           1:    0.0039       0:    0.0228      0.0134      0.0095

 Average atom update rate:       0.06 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.03 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             34.27 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:22:26 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155015)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155015) Observed more threads (65) than expected (64): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=65.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155016)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155016) Observed more threads (65) than expected (64): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=65.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_6  #

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Info: "ref-cycles" not supported on gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: fallback to "cpu-clock"
* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending cpu-clock
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155340)
* Info: Process launched (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155344)Thu Feb 22 15:22:50 2024: Starting Initialization

Mini-Application Name    : CoMD-openmp-mpi
Mini-Application Version : 1.1
  hostname: gmz16.benchmarkcenter.megware.com
  kernel name: 'Linux'
  kernel release: '5.14.0-362.13.1.el9_3.x86_64'
  processor: 'x86_64'
  CC: '/cluster/intel/oneapi/2024.0.0/mpi/2021.11/bin/mpiicc'
  compiler version: 'unknown'
  CFLAGS: '-O3 -march=native -DDO_MPI -O3 -march=haswell -fno-tree-vectorize -fno-openmp-simd -funroll-loops -ffast-math -g -grecord-gcc-switches -fno-omit-frame-pointer -fcf-protection=none -no-pie -cc=gcc -fopenmp -funroll-loops'
  LDFLAGS: ' '
  using MPI: true
  Threading: OpenMP (96 threads) 
  Double Precision: true
Run Date/Time: 2024-02-22, 15:22:50

Command Line Parameters:
  doeam: 0
  potDir: pots
  potName: Cu_u6.eam
  potType: funcfl
  nx: 100
  ny: 100
  nz: 100
  xproc: 2
  yproc: 1
  zproc: 1
  Lattice constant: -1 Angstroms
  nSteps: 100
  printRate: 10
  Time step: 1 fs
  Initial Temperature: 600 K
  Initial Delta: 0 Angstroms

Simulation data: 
  Total atoms        : 4000000
  Min global bounds  : [   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000,   0.0000000000 ]
  Max global bounds  : [ 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000, 361.5000000000 ]

Decomposition data: 
  Processors         :      2,     1,     1
  Local boxes        :     31,    62,    62 =   119164
  Box size           : [   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613,   5.8306451613 ]
  Box factor         : [   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875,   1.0074548875 ] 
  Max Link Cell Occupancy: 32 of 64

Potential data: 
  Potential type   : Lennard-Jones
  Species name     : Cu
  Atomic number    : 29
  Mass             : 63.55 amu
  Lattice Type     : FCC
  Lattice spacing  : 3.615 Angstroms
  Cutoff           : 5.7875 Angstroms
  Epsilon          : 0.167 eV
  Sigma            : 2.315 Angstroms

Initial energy : -1.166063303456, atom count : 4000000 

Thu Feb 22 15:22:51 2024: Initialization Finished

Thu Feb 22 15:22:51 2024: Starting simulation

#                                                                                         Performance
#  Loop   Time(fs)       Total Energy   Potential Energy     Kinetic Energy  Temperature   (us/atom)     # Atoms
      0       0.00    -1.166063303456    -1.243619295056     0.077555991600     600.0000     0.0000      4000000
     10      10.00    -1.166059650500    -1.233157709949     0.067098059449     519.0938     0.0537      4000000
     20      20.00    -1.166048438416    -1.208183014318     0.042134575902     325.9677     0.0545      4000000
     30      30.00    -1.166037590737    -1.186586197151     0.020548606414     158.9711     0.0511      4000000
     40      40.00    -1.166042093134    -1.183625399859     0.017583306724     136.0305     0.0509      4000000
     50      50.00    -1.166051684893    -1.193713710258     0.027662025365     214.0030     0.0511      4000000
     60      60.00    -1.166054646931    -1.202662201513     0.036607554582     283.2087     0.0515      4000000
     70      70.00    -1.166052143011    -1.204911990844     0.038859847833     300.6332     0.0507      4000000
     80      80.00    -1.166048803912    -1.203635015020     0.037586211108     290.7799     0.0507      4000000
     90      90.00    -1.166048006780    -1.203820491599     0.037772484818     292.2210     0.0506      4000000
    100     100.00    -1.166049793504    -1.206862845060     0.040813051556     315.7439     0.0504      4000000
Thu Feb 22 15:23:01 2024: Ending simulation

Simulation Validation:
  Initial energy  : -1.166063303456
  Final energy    : -1.166049793504
  eFinal/eInitial : 0.999988
  Final atom count : 4000000, no atoms lost

Timings for Rank 0
        Timer        # Calls    Avg/Call (s)   Total (s)    % Loop
total                      1      10.6488       10.6488      103.32
loop                       1      10.3065       10.3065      100.00
timestep                  10       1.0304       10.3037       99.97
  position               100       0.0006        0.0603        0.59
  velocity               200       0.0007        0.1454        1.41
  redistribute           101       0.0594        6.0024       58.24
    atomHalo             101       0.0265        2.6731       25.94
  force                  101       0.0413        4.1691       40.45
commHalo                 303       0.0041        1.2538       12.17
commReduce                39       0.0006        0.0215        0.21

Timing Statistics Across 2 Ranks:
        Timer        Rank: Min(s)       Rank: Max(s)      Avg(s)    Stdev(s)
total                0:   10.6488       1:   10.6490     10.6489      0.0001
loop                 0:   10.3065       1:   10.3065     10.3065      0.0000
timestep             0:   10.3037       1:   10.3040     10.3039      0.0001
  position           0:    0.0603       1:    0.0644      0.0623      0.0020
  velocity           0:    0.1454       1:    0.1671      0.1562      0.0109
  redistribute       0:    6.0024       1:    6.0336      6.0180      0.0156
    atomHalo         1:    1.7013       0:    2.6731      2.1872      0.4859
  force              1:    4.1284       0:    4.1691      4.1488      0.0203
commHalo             1:    0.1220       0:    1.2538      0.6879      0.5659
commReduce           1:    0.0073       0:    0.0215      0.0144      0.0071

 Average atom update rate:       0.05 us/atom/task

 Average all atom update rate:   0.03 us/atom

 Average atom rate:             38.82 atoms/us

Thu Feb 22 15:23:01 2024: CoMD Ending

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155340)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155340) Observed more threads (97) than expected (96): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=97.

* Info: Process finished (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155344)
* Warning: (host gmz17.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 155344) Observed more threads (97) than expected (96): in case of high IO overhead or suspicious profile, rerun with maximum-threads-per-process=97.

Your experiment path is /beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                             COMMAND                                                                             #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/beegfs/hackathon/users/eoseret/qaas_runs/CoMD/intel/CoMD/run/oneview_runs/compilers/gcc_4/oneview_results_scal/tools/lprof_npsu_run_7  #
