
exec - 2024-08-06 02:31:40 - MAQAO 2.20.5

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[ 0 / 4 ] Application profile is too short (7.89 s)

If the overall application profiling time is less than 10 seconds, many of the measurements at function or loop level will very likely be under the measurement quality threshold (0,1 seconds). Rerun to increase runtime duration: for example use a larger dataset or include a repetition loop.

[ 3 / 3 ] Optimization level option is correctly used

[ 3.00 / 3 ] Most of time spent in analyzed modules comes from functions compiled with -g and -fno-omit-frame-pointer

-g option gives access to debugging informations, such are source locations. -fno-omit-frame-pointer improve the accuracy of callchains found during the application profiling.

[ 3.00 / 3 ] Architecture specific option -march=znver4 is used

[ 2 / 2 ] Application is correctly profiled ("Others" category represents 0.00 % of the execution time)

To have a representative profiling, it is advised that the category "Others" represents less than 20% of the execution time in order to analyze as much as possible of the user code


Loop IDAnalysisPenalty Score
Loop 5 - exec+Execution Time: 57 % - Vectorization Ratio: 100.00 % - Vector Length Use: 45.63 %
Loop Computation Issues+64
+[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 16 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.64
Number of DIV instructions: 8
Number of SQRT instructions: 8
Data Access Issues+11
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: more than 10% of the vector loads instructions are unaligned - When allocating arrays, don’t forget to align them. There are 4 issues ( = arrays) costing 2 points each8
+[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (INSERT/EXTRACT) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 3 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.3
Number of INSERT/EXTRACT instructions: 3
Inefficient Vectorization+5
+[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (INSERT/EXTRACT) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 3 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.3
Number of INSERT/EXTRACT instructions: 3
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
Loop 1 - exec+Execution Time: 0 % - Vectorization Ratio: 92.86 % - Vector Length Use: 46.88 %
Data Access Issues+3
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2
+[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (BROADCAST) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 1 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.1
Number of YMM BROADCAST instructions: 1
Vectorization Roadblocks+2
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2
Inefficient Vectorization+1
+[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (BROADCAST) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 1 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.1
Number of YMM BROADCAST instructions: 1
Loop 4 - exec+Execution Time: 0 % - Vectorization Ratio: 0.00 % - Vector Length Use: 6.82 %
Control Flow Issues+1
[SA] Presence of calls - Inline either by compiler or by hand and use SVML for libm calls. There are 1 issues (= calls) costing 1 point each.1
Data Access Issues+4
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2
[SA] More than 20% of the loads are accessing the stack - Perform loop splitting to decrease pressure on registers. This issue costs 2 points.2
Vectorization Roadblocks+3
[SA] Presence of calls - Inline either by compiler or by hand and use SVML for libm calls. There are 1 issues (= calls) costing 1 point each.1
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 1 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.2