
Executable Output

sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
/bin/sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/sh: error importing function definition for `module'
/bin/sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
/bin/sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
/bin/sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com

* Warning: Found no event able to derive walltime: prepending ref-cyclessh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'

* Info: Process launched (host idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 61783)
* Info: Process launched (host idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 61784)miniqmc not built from git repository

number of ranks : 2, number of accelerators : 0
Number of orbitals/splines = 3072
Tile size = 3072
Number of tiles = 1
Number of electrons = 6144
Rmax = 1.7
AcceptanceRatio = 0.5
Iterations = 5
MPI processes = 2
OpenMP threads = 48
Number of walkers per rank = 48

SPO coefficients size = 1572864000 bytes (1500 MB)
delayed update rank = 32
Using the reference implementation for Jastrow, 
determinant update, and distance table + einspline of the 
reference implementation 

Use --enable-timers= command line option to increase or decrease level of timing information
Stack timer profile
Timer                                       Inclusive_time  Exclusive_time  Calls       Time_per_call
Setup                                          0.0725     0.0725              1       0.072463933
  ParticleSet:::update                         0.0000     0.0000              1       0.000004100
Total                                        106.4214     0.1487              1     106.421407008
  Diffusion                                   63.7735     0.0512              5      12.754697674
    Complete Updates                           0.3432     0.0000              5       0.068642246
      DeterminantRef::update                   0.3432     0.3432             10       0.034318286
    Current Gradient                           2.8613     0.0404          30720       0.000093142
      DeterminantRef::ratio                    2.8041     2.8041          30720       0.000091280
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0103     0.0103          30720       0.000000334
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        0.0065     0.0065          30720       0.000000213
    Kinetic Energy                             0.5047     0.5041              5       0.100930731
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0003     0.0003              5       0.000067194
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        0.0002     0.0002              5       0.000039859
    New Gradient                              14.5499     0.0451          30720       0.000473628
      DeterminantRef::ratio                    0.3803     0.3803          30720       0.000012378
      DeterminantRef::spovgl                  12.6263     0.7582          30720       0.000411014
        Single-Particle Orbitals              11.8682    11.8682          30720       0.000386333
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.1511     0.1511          30720       0.000004917
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        1.3471     1.3471          30720       0.000043852
    ParticleSet:::acceptMove                   9.8713     0.0506          15371       0.000642202
      DTAAOMPTarget::update_e_e                9.7608     9.7608          15371       0.000635012
      DTABOMPTarget::update_ion_e              0.0599     0.0599          15371       0.000003900
    ParticleSet:::computeNewPosDT              1.7857     0.0316          30720       0.000058128
      DTAAOMPTarget::move_e_e                  1.5745     1.5745          30720       0.000051255
      DTABOMPTarget::move_ion_e                0.1796     0.1796          30720       0.000005846
    ParticleSet:::donePbyP                     0.0000     0.0000              5       0.000002344
    Update                                    33.8062     0.0273          15371       0.002199350
      DeterminantRef::update                  32.0922    32.0922          15371       0.002087843
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0041     0.0041          15371       0.000000267
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        1.6826     1.6826          15371       0.000109464
  Initialization                               6.4821     1.8067              1       6.482118309
    DeterminantRef::inverse                    2.2201     2.2201              2       1.110031873
    DeterminantRef::spovgl                     2.0832     0.1584              2       1.041586305
      Single-Particle Orbitals                 1.9248     1.9248           6144       0.000313280
    OneBodyJastrowRef                          0.0183     0.0183              1       0.018342955
    ParticleSet:::update                       0.1836     0.0735              2       0.091795097
      DTAAOMPTarget::evaluate_e_e              0.0821     0.0821              1       0.082144315
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_e            0.0279     0.0021              1       0.027903149
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_e           0.0258     0.0258              1       0.025819188
    TwoBodyJastrowRef                          0.1702     0.1702              1       0.170243150
  Pseudopotential                             36.0171     0.1133              5       7.203424595
    DeterminantRef::spoval                    26.3371     0.6322          10215       0.002578278
      Single-Particle Orbitals                25.7049    25.7049         122580       0.000209699
    OneBodyJastrowRef                          0.0701     0.0701          10215       0.000006862
    ParticleSet:::update                       7.9911     0.0254          10215       0.000782290
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_e_virtual        7.2913     0.0102          10215       0.000713780
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_e_virtual       7.2810     7.2810          10215       0.000712780
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_virtual      0.6745     0.0113          10215       0.000066028
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_virtual     0.6631     0.6631          10215       0.000064918
    TwoBodyJastrowRef                          1.5056     1.5056          10215       0.000147389

========== Throughput ============ 

Total throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Total time ) = 2.09216e+11
Diffusion throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Diffusion time ) = 3.49128e+11
Pseudopotential throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^2 / Pseudopotential time ) = 1.00615e+08

* Info: Process finished (host idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 61783)
* Info: Process finished (host idp09.benchmarkcenter.megware.com, process 61784)sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'
sh: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `module'
sh: ml: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `ml'
sh: _module_raw: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `_module_raw'
sh: which: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
sh: error importing function definition for `which'

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                                COMMAND                                                                                #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/qaas_runs_CPU_9468/171-145-9236/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1711459919/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
