
Executable Output

* Warning: perf-events measurements are not allowed on node fob1: selecting the no-perf engine. Try:
sudo sysctl -w kernel.perf_event_paranoid=1 (*)
To persist across reboots:
 sudo sh -c 'echo kernel.perf_event_paranoid=1 >> /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf' (*)
(*) requires sudo permissions. If missing, contact administrators.
=1 allows both kernel+user-space measurements (=2: only user-space)

* Warning: The 'no-perf' engine is feature-limited and suffers higher overhead than other engines. It should be used only when perf-events are not available on the running Linux kernel - for instance with WSL1 (Windows Subsystem for Linux version 1) - or when the paranoid level (as displayed by 'sysctl kernel.perf_event_paranoid') cannot be lowered to 2 or less.

* Info: Process launched (host fob1, process 1044677)/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.29' not found (required by /home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc)
/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.34' not found (required by /home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc)
/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.32' not found (required by /home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/binaries/miniqmc)

* Warning: Process/thread 1044677 (host fob1) exited with 1

* Info: Process finished (host fob1, process 1044677)
* Warning: Run too short with the given sampling rate (only 12 time-related samples collected). Results may lack precision. Rerun with a longer workload or with sampling-rate=high.

* Warning: Restricted access to kernel symbols: 
to see kernel functions in profiling results, reprofile as root 
or execute sudo sysctl -w kernel.kptr_restrict=0.
To make kptr_restrict=0 persist across reboots:
 sudo sh -c "echo kernel.kptr_restrict=0 >> /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf"

* Info: Dumping samples (host fob1, process 1044677)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host fob1, process 1044677)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host fob1)
* Info: Finished collect step (host fob1, process 1044677)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                   COMMAND                                                   #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 665276)miniqmc git branch: OMP_offload
miniqmc git commit: de45b04eb021c4b57ba6f4bee8f563c614d11135

number of ranks : 1, number of accelerators : 0
Number of orbitals/splines = 1536
Tile size = 1536
Number of tiles = 1
Number of electrons = 3072
Rmax = 1.7
AcceptanceRatio = 0.5
Iterations = 5
OpenMP threads = 16
Number of walkers per rank = 16

SPO coefficients size = 786432000 bytes (750 MB)
delayed update rank = 32
Using SoA distance table, Jastrow + einspline, 
and determinant update.

Use --enable-timers= command line option to increase or decrease level of timing information
Stack timer profile
Timer                                       Inclusive_time  Exclusive_time  Calls       Time_per_call
Setup                                          0.0537     0.0537              1       0.053681569
  ParticleSet:::update                         0.0000     0.0000              1       0.000000866
Total                                         33.0407     0.0658              1      33.040690145
  Diffusion                                   11.4269     0.0225              5       2.285370413
    Complete Updates                           0.0674     0.0000              5       0.013485747
      Determinant::update                      0.0674     0.0674             10       0.006741063
    Current Gradient                           0.4576     0.0153          15360       0.000029789
      Determinant::ratio                       0.4351     0.4351          15360       0.000028328
      OneBodyJastrow                           0.0043     0.0043          15360       0.000000280
      TwoBodyJastrow                           0.0028     0.0028          15360       0.000000184
    Kinetic Energy                             0.1036     0.1034              5       0.020722681
      OneBodyJastrow                           0.0001     0.0001              5       0.000026190
      TwoBodyJastrow                           0.0001     0.0001              5       0.000016489
    New Gradient                               6.4318     0.0159          15360       0.000418738
      Determinant::ratio                       0.0387     0.0387          15360       0.000002522
      Determinant::spovgl                      6.1085     0.1364          15360       0.000397690
        Single-Particle Orbitals               5.9721     5.9721          15360       0.000388811
      OneBodyJastrow                           0.0246     0.0246          15360       0.000001603
      TwoBodyJastrow                           0.2440     0.2440          15360       0.000015886
    ParticleSet:::acceptMove                   1.4542     0.0072           7611       0.000191070
      DTAAOMPTarget::update_e_e                1.4318     1.4318           7611       0.000188121
      DTABOMPTarget::update_ion_e              0.0153     0.0153           7611       0.000002009
    ParticleSet:::computeNewPosDT              0.2940     0.0097          15360       0.000019139
      DTAAOMPTarget::move_e_e                  0.2494     0.2494          15360       0.000016239
      DTABOMPTarget::move_ion_e                0.0348     0.0348          15360       0.000002266
    ParticleSet:::donePbyP                     0.0000     0.0000              5       0.000001335
    Update                                     2.5958     0.0085           7611       0.000341055
      Determinant::update                      2.3212     2.3212           7611       0.000304981
      OneBodyJastrow                           0.0017     0.0017           7611       0.000000221
      TwoBodyJastrow                           0.2644     0.2644           7611       0.000034733
  Initialization                               2.0492     0.4443              1       2.049213818
    Determinant::inverse                       0.2552     0.2552              2       0.127594488
    Determinant::spovgl                        1.1992     0.0436              2       0.599601763
      Single-Particle Orbitals                 1.1556     1.1556           3072       0.000376180
    OneBodyJastrow                             0.0037     0.0037              1       0.003701610
    ParticleSet:::update                       0.1083     0.0166              2       0.054139388
      DTAAOMPTarget::evaluate_e_e              0.0894     0.0894              1       0.089437313
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_e            0.0022     0.0002              1       0.002234304
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_e           0.0021     0.0021              1       0.002080841
    TwoBodyJastrow                             0.0386     0.0386              1       0.038551685
  Pseudopotential                             19.4988     0.0286              5       3.899767766
    Determinant::spoval                       18.4254     0.0200           5359       0.003438215
      Single-Particle Orbitals                18.4054    18.4054           5359       0.003434492
    OneBodyJastrow                             0.0227     0.0227           5359       0.000004239
    ParticleSet:::update                       0.7620     0.0078           5359       0.000142182
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_e_virtual        0.6664     0.0033           5359       0.000124354
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_e_virtual       0.6631     0.6631           5359       0.000123730
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_virtual      0.0878     0.0028           5359       0.000016380
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_virtual     0.0850     0.0850           5359       0.000015866
    TwoBodyJastrow                             0.2602     0.2602           5359       0.000048546

========== Throughput ============ 

Total throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Total time ) = 1.40389e+10
Diffusion throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Diffusion time ) = 4.05935e+10
Pseudopotential throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^2 / Pseudopotential time ) = 7.74379e+06

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 665276)
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 665276)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 665276)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 665276)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                   COMMAND                                                   #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/miniqmc/build_icc/bin/OV3_miniqmc_icc_zmm_16T/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
