
miniqmc - 2023-06-18 18:22:01 - MAQAO 2.17.4

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Loop IDModuleAnalysisPenalty ScoreCoverage (%)Vectorization
Ratio (%)
Vector Length
Use (%)
745miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.10847.8990.5339.08
[SA] Presence of expensive instructions (GATHER/SCATTER) - Use array restructuring. There are 16 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.64
[DA] Ratio time (ORIG)/time (DL1) is greater than 3 (12.76) - Perform blocking. Perform array restructuring. There are 3 issues (= non unit stride or indirect memory access) costing 2 point each, with an additional malus of 13 points due to the ORIG/DL1 ratio.19
[SA] Presence of indirect accesses - Use array restructuring or gather instructions to lower the cost. There are 3 issues ( = indirect data accesses) costing 4 point each.12
[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (INSERT/EXTRACT, SHUFFLE/PERM, BROADCAST) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 9 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.9
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Presence of a large number of scalar integer instructions - Simplify loop structure, perform loop splitting or perform unroll and jam. This issue costs 2 points.2
[DA] The ratio FP/LS (floating point / memory accesses) is smaller than 0.8 (0.08) - Focus on optimizing data accesses.0
805miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.828.1574.4731.38
[SA] Presence of indirect accesses - Use array restructuring or gather instructions to lower the cost. There are 2 issues ( = indirect data accesses) costing 4 point each.8
1466miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.144.254.5515.91
[SA] Presence of indirect accesses - Use array restructuring or gather instructions to lower the cost. There are 2 issues ( = indirect data accesses) costing 4 point each.8
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 3 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.6
1683miniqmcInefficient vectorization.462.04100100
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 8 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.32
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: more than 10% of the vector loads instructions are unaligned - When allocating arrays, don’t forget to align them. There are 7 issues ( = arrays) costing 2 points each14
[DA] The ratio FP/LS (floating point / memory accesses) is smaller than 0.8 (0.77) - Focus on optimizing data accesses.0
1048miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.880.769494.75
[SA] Presence of expensive FP instructions - Perform hoisting, change algorithm, use SVML or proper numerical library or perform value profiling (count the number of distinct input values). There are 16 issues (= instructions) costing 4 points each.64
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: more than 10% of the vector loads instructions are unaligned - When allocating arrays, don’t forget to align them. There are 8 issues ( = arrays) costing 2 points each16
[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (BROADCAST) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 6 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.6
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[DA] The ratio FP/LS (floating point / memory accesses) is between 0.8 and 1.2 (0.89) - Both arithmetic and data access have to be optimized simultaneously.0
218miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.220.6787.563.93
[SA] Presence of special instructions executing on a single port (INSERT/EXTRACT, COMPRESS/EXPAND, BLEND/MERGE, SHUFFLE/PERM, BROADCAST) - Simplify data access and try to get stride 1 access. There are 8 issues (= instructions) costing 1 point each.8
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: more than 10% of the vector loads instructions are unaligned - When allocating arrays, don’t forget to align them. There are 3 issues ( = arrays) costing 2 points each6
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 2 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.4
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of masked instructions - Simplify control structure. The issue costs 2 points.2
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
[DA] The ratio FP/LS (floating point / memory accesses) is smaller than 0.8 (0.20) - Focus on optimizing data accesses.0
807miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.160.5011.16
[SA] Presence of constant non unit stride data access - Use array restructuring, perform loop interchange or use gather instructions to lower a bit the cost. There are 8 issues ( = data accesses) costing 2 point each.16
804miniqmcPartial or unexisting vectorization - Use pragma to force vectorization and check potential dependencies between array access.10.38011.16
[SA] Presence of calls - Inline either by compiler or by hand and use SVML for libm calls. There are 1 issues (= calls) costing 1 point each.1
1918miniqmcInefficient vectorization.20.3510050
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: use of shorter than available vector length - Force compiler to use proper vector length. CAUTION: use of 512 bits vectors could be more expensive than 256 bits on some processors. Use intrinsics (costly and not portable). The issue costs 2 points.2
Warning! There is no dynamic data for this loop. Some checks can not been performed.0
512miniqmcInefficient vectorization.150.31100100
[SA] Inefficient vectorization: more than 10% of the vector loads instructions are unaligned - When allocating arrays, don’t forget to align them. There are 5 issues ( = arrays) costing 2 points each10
[DA] Ratio time (ORIG)/time (DL1) is greater than 3 (4.46) - Perform blocking. Perform array restructuring. There are 0 issues (= non unit stride or indirect memory access) costing 2 point each, with an additional malus of 5 points due to the ORIG/DL1 ratio.5
[DA] The ratio FP/LS (floating point / memory accesses) is smaller than 0.8 (0.17) - Focus on optimizing data accesses.0