
Executable Output

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 272438)/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/binaries/picongpu: error while loading shared libraries: libmpi.so.12: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

* Warning: Process exited with code=127 (host skylake, process 272438)
* Warning: Run has not properly finished: check arguments ( -d 1 1 1 -g 128 128 32 --periodic 1 1 1 -s 1500 --fields_energy.period 20) and input data (host skylake, process 272438)

* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 272438)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 272438)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 272438)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                              COMMAND                                                              #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 272527)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time:  1sec  33msec = 1.033 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                    2msec | avg time per step:   0msec
  5 % =       75 | time elapsed:       1min  7sec 207msec | avg time per step: 895msec
 10 % =      150 | time elapsed:       2min 18sec 972msec | avg time per step: 956msec
 15 % =      225 | time elapsed:       3min 32sec 268msec | avg time per step: 977msec
 20 % =      300 | time elapsed:       4min 45sec 734msec | avg time per step: 979msec
 25 % =      375 | time elapsed:       5min 59sec 223msec | avg time per step: 979msec
 30 % =      450 | time elapsed:       7min 12sec 869msec | avg time per step: 981msec
 35 % =      525 | time elapsed:       8min 26sec 623msec | avg time per step: 983msec
 40 % =      600 | time elapsed:       9min 40sec 622msec | avg time per step: 986msec
 45 % =      675 | time elapsed:      10min 54sec 937msec | avg time per step: 990msec
 50 % =      750 | time elapsed:      12min  9sec 549msec | avg time per step: 994msec
 55 % =      825 | time elapsed:      13min 24sec 398msec | avg time per step: 997msec
 60 % =      900 | time elapsed:      14min 39sec 534msec | avg time per step:  1sec   1msec
 65 % =      975 | time elapsed:      15min 54sec 785msec | avg time per step:  1sec   3msec
 70 % =     1050 | time elapsed:      17min 10sec 220msec | avg time per step:  1sec   5msec
 75 % =     1125 | time elapsed:      18min 25sec 882msec | avg time per step:  1sec   8msec
 80 % =     1200 | time elapsed:      19min 41sec 752msec | avg time per step:  1sec  11msec
 85 % =     1275 | time elapsed:      20min 57sec 873msec | avg time per step:  1sec  14msec
 90 % =     1350 | time elapsed:      22min 14sec 407msec | avg time per step:  1sec  20msec
 95 % =     1425 | time elapsed:      23min 31sec 300msec | avg time per step:  1sec  25msec
100 % =     1500 | time elapsed:      24min 48sec 679msec | avg time per step:  1sec  31msec
calculation  simulation time: 24min 48sec 681msec = 1488.681 sec
full simulation time: 24min 49sec 741msec = 1489.741 sec

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 272527)
* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 5.8% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 272527)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 272527)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 272527)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                              COMMAND                                                              #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 272729)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time: 997msec = 0.997 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                    2msec | avg time per step:   0msec
  5 % =       75 | time elapsed:            37sec  40msec | avg time per step: 493msec
 10 % =      150 | time elapsed:       1min 16sec 660msec | avg time per step: 528msec
 15 % =      225 | time elapsed:       1min 57sec 113msec | avg time per step: 539msec
 20 % =      300 | time elapsed:       2min 37sec 670msec | avg time per step: 540msec
 25 % =      375 | time elapsed:       3min 18sec 114msec | avg time per step: 539msec
 30 % =      450 | time elapsed:       3min 58sec 593msec | avg time per step: 539msec
 35 % =      525 | time elapsed:       4min 39sec 135msec | avg time per step: 540msec
 40 % =      600 | time elapsed:       5min 19sec 772msec | avg time per step: 541msec
 45 % =      675 | time elapsed:       6min  0sec 578msec | avg time per step: 544msec
 50 % =      750 | time elapsed:       6min 41sec 630msec | avg time per step: 547msec
 55 % =      825 | time elapsed:       7min 22sec 956msec | avg time per step: 550msec
 60 % =      900 | time elapsed:       8min  4sec 396msec | avg time per step: 552msec
 65 % =      975 | time elapsed:       8min 45sec 957msec | avg time per step: 554msec
 70 % =     1050 | time elapsed:       9min 27sec 642msec | avg time per step: 555msec
 75 % =     1125 | time elapsed:      10min  9sec 405msec | avg time per step: 556msec
 80 % =     1200 | time elapsed:      10min 51sec 258msec | avg time per step: 557msec
 85 % =     1275 | time elapsed:      11min 33sec 204msec | avg time per step: 559msec
 90 % =     1350 | time elapsed:      12min 15sec 313msec | avg time per step: 561msec
 95 % =     1425 | time elapsed:      12min 57sec 675msec | avg time per step: 564msec
100 % =     1500 | time elapsed:      13min 40sec 448msec | avg time per step: 570msec
calculation  simulation time: 13min 40sec 449msec = 820.449 sec
full simulation time: 13min 41sec 462msec = 821.462 sec

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 272729)
* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 13.1% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 272729)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 272729)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 272729)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                              COMMAND                                                              #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_1  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 272842)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time: 916msec = 0.916 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                    0msec | avg time per step:   0msec
  5 % =       75 | time elapsed:            36sec 226msec | avg time per step: 482msec
 10 % =      150 | time elapsed:       1min 14sec 991msec | avg time per step: 516msec
 15 % =      225 | time elapsed:       1min 54sec 546msec | avg time per step: 527msec
 20 % =      300 | time elapsed:       2min 34sec 199msec | avg time per step: 528msec
 25 % =      375 | time elapsed:       3min 13sec 876msec | avg time per step: 528msec
 30 % =      450 | time elapsed:       3min 53sec 630msec | avg time per step: 529msec
 35 % =      525 | time elapsed:       4min 33sec 472msec | avg time per step: 531msec
 40 % =      600 | time elapsed:       5min 13sec 482msec | avg time per step: 533msec
 45 % =      675 | time elapsed:       5min 53sec 696msec | avg time per step: 536msec
 50 % =      750 | time elapsed:       6min 34sec 107msec | avg time per step: 538msec
 55 % =      825 | time elapsed:       7min 14sec 707msec | avg time per step: 541msec
 60 % =      900 | time elapsed:       7min 55sec 430msec | avg time per step: 542msec
 65 % =      975 | time elapsed:       8min 36sec 289msec | avg time per step: 544msec
 70 % =     1050 | time elapsed:       9min 17sec 211msec | avg time per step: 545msec
 75 % =     1125 | time elapsed:       9min 58sec 205msec | avg time per step: 546msec
 80 % =     1200 | time elapsed:      10min 39sec 311msec | avg time per step: 548msec
 85 % =     1275 | time elapsed:      11min 20sec 501msec | avg time per step: 549msec
 90 % =     1350 | time elapsed:      12min  1sec 886msec | avg time per step: 551msec
 95 % =     1425 | time elapsed:      12min 43sec 573msec | avg time per step: 555msec
100 % =     1500 | time elapsed:      13min 25sec 677msec | avg time per step: 561msec
calculation  simulation time: 13min 25sec 678msec = 805.678 sec
full simulation time: 13min 26sec 615msec = 806.615 sec

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 272842)
* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 12.3% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 272842)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 272842)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 272842)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                              COMMAND                                                              #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_2  #

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 272952)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
OMP: Warning #182: OMP_PROC_BIND: ignored because GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY has been defined
OMP: Warning #182: OMP_PLACES: ignored because GOMP_CPU_AFFINITY has been defined
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time:  1sec 926msec = 1.926 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                   18msec | avg time per step:   0msec

* Info: Caught SIGINT: forwarding to application (host skylake, process 272952)

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 272952)
* Info: Caught SIGINT: forwarding to application (host skylake, process 272952)
SIGNAL: received.
SIGNAL: Received at step 18. Schedule shutdown.
SIGNAL: Shutdown simulation at step 19
calculation  simulation time: 24sec 860msec = 24.860 sec
full simulation time: 26sec 862msec = 26.862 sec

* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 32.6% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 272952)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 272952)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 273101)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
OMP: Warning #124: Ignoring invalid OS proc ID 52.
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time: 922msec = 0.922 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                    0msec | avg time per step:   0msec
  5 % =       75 | time elapsed:            21sec 723msec | avg time per step: 289msec

* Info: Caught SIGINT: forwarding to application (host skylake, process 273101)

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 273101)
* Info: Caught SIGINT: forwarding to application (host skylake, process 273101)
SIGNAL: received.
SIGNAL: Received at step 147. Schedule shutdown.
SIGNAL: Shutdown simulation at step 148
calculation  simulation time: 44sec 952msec = 44.952 sec
full simulation time: 45sec 897msec = 45.897 sec

* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 25.1% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 273101)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 273101)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Selecting the 'perf-low-ppn' engine for node skylake

* Info: Process launched (host skylake, process 273227)PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Sliding Window is OFF
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | used Random Number Generator: RNGProvider3AlpakaRand seed: 42
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Field solver condition: c * dt <= 1.00556 ? (c * dt = 1)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving plasma oscillations?
   Estimates are based on DensityRatio to BASE_DENSITY of each species
   (see: density.param, speciesDefinition.param).
   It and does not cover other forms of initialization
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species e: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.0274627)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | species i: omega_p * dt <= 0.1 ? (omega_p * dt = 0.000640897)
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | macro particles per device: 26214400
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | typical macro particle weighting: 207.722
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_SPEED 2.99792e+08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_TIME 1.5394e-16
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_LENGTH 4.61501e-08
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_MASS 1.89221e-28
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_CHARGE 3.32806e-17
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_EFIELD 1.10726e+13
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_BFIELD 36934.1
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | UNIT_ENERGY 1.70064e-11
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Resolving Debye length for species "e"?
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimate used momentum variance in 2048 supercells with at least 10 macroparticles each
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | 2048 (100 %) supercells had local Debye length estimate not resolved by a single cell
PIConGPUVerbose PHYSICS(1) | Estimated weighted average temperature 0.000500062 keV and corresponding Debye length 1.66236e-09 m.
   The grid has 0.0206816 cells per average Debye length
initialization time: 927msec = 0.927 sec
  0 % =        0 | time elapsed:                    0msec | avg time per step:   0msec
  5 % =       75 | time elapsed:            21sec 423msec | avg time per step: 285msec
 10 % =      150 | time elapsed:            44sec 269msec | avg time per step: 304msec
 15 % =      225 | time elapsed:       1min  7sec 552msec | avg time per step: 310msec
 20 % =      300 | time elapsed:       1min 30sec 899msec | avg time per step: 311msec
 25 % =      375 | time elapsed:       1min 54sec 250msec | avg time per step: 311msec
 30 % =      450 | time elapsed:       2min 17sec 657msec | avg time per step: 312msec
 35 % =      525 | time elapsed:       2min 41sec 168msec | avg time per step: 313msec
 40 % =      600 | time elapsed:       3min  4sec 740msec | avg time per step: 314msec
 45 % =      675 | time elapsed:       3min 28sec 422msec | avg time per step: 315msec
 50 % =      750 | time elapsed:       3min 52sec 196msec | avg time per step: 316msec
 55 % =      825 | time elapsed:       4min 16sec  65msec | avg time per step: 318msec
 60 % =      900 | time elapsed:       4min 40sec  40msec | avg time per step: 319msec
 65 % =      975 | time elapsed:       5min  4sec  66msec | avg time per step: 320msec
 70 % =     1050 | time elapsed:       5min 28sec 200msec | avg time per step: 321msec
 75 % =     1125 | time elapsed:       5min 52sec 478msec | avg time per step: 323msec
 80 % =     1200 | time elapsed:       6min 16sec 744msec | avg time per step: 323msec
 85 % =     1275 | time elapsed:       6min 41sec 105msec | avg time per step: 324msec
 90 % =     1350 | time elapsed:       7min  5sec 666msec | avg time per step: 327msec
 95 % =     1425 | time elapsed:       7min 30sec 452msec | avg time per step: 330msec
100 % =     1500 | time elapsed:       7min 55sec 644msec | avg time per step: 335msec
calculation  simulation time:  7min 55sec 645msec = 475.645 sec
full simulation time:  7min 56sec 588msec = 476.588 sec

* Info: Process finished (host skylake, process 273227)
* Warning: Collected empty callchains for 24.5% of 1st-event samples

* Info: Callchains info will be incomplete
* Info: Try to recompile your application with -fno-omit-frame-pointer or to rerun with btm=stack
* Info: Dumping samples (host skylake, process 273227)
* Info: Dumping source info for callchain nodes (host skylake, process 273227)
* Info: Building/writing metadata (host skylake)
* Info: Finished collect step (host skylake, process 273227)

Your experiment path is /home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                              COMMAND                                                              #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/home/eoseret/apps/buildPIC/khi_test_omp2b_icpx/OV1_WP_WS_icpx2023dot0_128x128x32/tools/lprof_npsu_run_3  #
