
Executable Output

* Info: Detected 2 Lprof instances in o404: processes-per-node/ppn set accordingly.
If this is incorrect, rerun with an explicit value for this setting

* Info: Selecting the 'perf-high-ppn' engine for node o404

* Info: Process launched (host o404, process 426573)
* Info: Process launched (host o404, process 426574)miniqmc not built from git repository

number of ranks : 2, number of accelerators : 0
Number of orbitals/splines = 3072
Tile size = 3072
Number of tiles = 1
Number of electrons = 6144
Rmax = 1.7
AcceptanceRatio = 0.5
Iterations = 5
MPI processes = 2
OpenMP threads = 56
Number of walkers per rank = 56

SPO coefficients size = 1572864000 bytes (1500 MB)
delayed update rank = 32
Using the reference implementation for Jastrow, 
determinant update, and distance table + einspline of the 
reference implementation 

Use --enable-timers= command line option to increase or decrease level of timing information
Stack timer profile
Timer                                       Inclusive_time  Exclusive_time  Calls       Time_per_call
Setup                                          0.1363     0.1362              1       0.136251656
  ParticleSet:::update                         0.0000     0.0000              1       0.000003503
Total                                         86.4514     0.0094              1      86.451412598
  Diffusion                                   44.6336     0.0446              5       8.926711205
    Complete Updates                           0.3400     0.0000              5       0.067996866
      DeterminantRef::update                   0.3400     0.3400             10       0.033996194
    Current Gradient                           2.4576     0.0367          30720       0.000079999
      DeterminantRef::ratio                    2.3994     2.3994          30720       0.000078105
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0135     0.0135          30720       0.000000440
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        0.0080     0.0080          30720       0.000000260
    Kinetic Energy                             0.6213     0.6209              5       0.124254079
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0003     0.0003              5       0.000054577
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        0.0001     0.0001              5       0.000029251
    New Gradient                              11.5775     0.0396          30720       0.000376871
      DeterminantRef::ratio                    0.3635     0.3635          30720       0.000011834
      DeterminantRef::spovgl                   9.8372     0.6692          30720       0.000320221
        Single-Particle Orbitals               9.1680     9.1680          30720       0.000298439
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.1386     0.1386          30720       0.000004510
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        1.1986     1.1986          30720       0.000039018
    ParticleSet:::acceptMove                   4.5240     0.0239          15371       0.000294322
      DTAAOMPTarget::update_e_e                4.4496     4.4496          15371       0.000289480
      DTABOMPTarget::update_ion_e              0.0505     0.0505          15371       0.000003284
    ParticleSet:::computeNewPosDT              1.6108     0.0282          30720       0.000052436
      DTAAOMPTarget::move_e_e                  1.4279     1.4279          30720       0.000046482
      DTABOMPTarget::move_ion_e                0.1547     0.1547          30720       0.000005036
    ParticleSet:::donePbyP                     0.0000     0.0000              5       0.000002298
    Update                                    23.4578     0.0200          15371       0.001526105
      DeterminantRef::update                  22.2183    22.2183          15371       0.001445468
      OneBodyJastrowRef                        0.0044     0.0044          15371       0.000000288
      TwoBodyJastrowRef                        1.2151     1.2151          15371       0.000079050
  Initialization                               8.2188     4.9207              1       8.218784539
    DeterminantRef::inverse                    1.2389     1.2389              2       0.619427970
    DeterminantRef::spovgl                     1.6582     0.1281              2       0.829105732
      Single-Particle Orbitals                 1.5301     1.5301           6144       0.000249034
    OneBodyJastrowRef                          0.0185     0.0185              1       0.018486082
    ParticleSet:::update                       0.2471     0.0732              2       0.123559225
      DTAAOMPTarget::evaluate_e_e              0.1404     0.1404              1       0.140387519
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_e            0.0336     0.0001              1       0.033558400
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_e           0.0334     0.0334              1       0.033448171
    TwoBodyJastrowRef                          0.1355     0.1355              1       0.135456133
  Pseudopotential                             33.5897     0.1087              5       6.717938853
    DeterminantRef::spoval                    24.1937     0.5641          10215       0.002368444
      Single-Particle Orbitals                23.6296    23.6296         122580       0.000192768
    OneBodyJastrowRef                          0.0626     0.0626          10215       0.000006127
    ParticleSet:::update                       7.9151     0.0246          10215       0.000774850
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_e_virtual        7.2619     0.0114          10215       0.000710903
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_e_virtual       7.2504     7.2504          10215       0.000709784
      DTABOMPTarget::evaluate_ion_virtual      0.6286     0.0084          10215       0.000061536
        DTABOMPTarget::offload_ion_virtual     0.6202     0.6202          10215       0.000060714
    TwoBodyJastrowRef                          1.3097     1.3097          10215       0.000128212

========== Throughput ============ 

Total throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Total time ) = 3.00469e+11
Diffusion throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^3 / Diffusion time ) = 5.81983e+11
Pseudopotential throughput ( N_walkers * N_elec^2 / Pseudopotential time ) = 1.25868e+08

* Info: Process finished (host o404, process 426573)
* Info: Process finished (host o404, process 426574)

Info: 1/2 lprof instances finished

Your experiment path is /scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0

To display your profiling results:
#    LEVEL    |     REPORT     |                                                                                  COMMAND                                                                                  #
#  Functions  |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -df xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Functions  |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -df -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -df -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Functions  |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -df -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Cluster-wide  |  maqao lprof -dl xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0      #
#  Loops      |  Per-node      |  maqao lprof -dl -dn xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-process   |  maqao lprof -dl -dp xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
#  Loops      |  Per-thread    |  maqao lprof -dl -dt xp=/scratch_na/users/xoserete/qaas_runs/171-417-3180/intel/miniqmc/run/oneview_runs/defaults/orig/oneview_results_1714173782/tools/lprof_npsu_run_0  #
